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Works on skin - FLIGHT 1

Gregor Hildebrandt

Gregor Hildebrandt

Geste auf der Haut

Price is exclusive of VAT and shipping. The contribution to the artists' social security fund (KSK) of 2.5% of the net price is also part of the gross price.

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About Gregor Hildebrandt

(*1974 Bad Homburg, DE) “Gregor Hildebrandt is a lover. He loves life, art, film and music, and he generously shares this love with the world through his art”. This world-embracing characterization about this artist was written for his latest show “Kraniche ziehen vorüber” at Perrotin Gallery in Seoul. Hildebrandt transforms analogue data carriers into his paintings and installations. In this way, he creates minimalist works from deformed vinyl, cassette boxes or tapes attached directly to canvas, to which the musical prehistory adds a further, invisible dimension. Chess is one of his other life themes. A recurring motif in his work: the pawn chess piece. Hildebrandt works as professor of painting and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich since 2015.

Fun fact

Gregor Hildebrandt's advice for people buying art for the first time: "It has to hurt a little."



  • Colour

    black and blue

  • Position

    It can be tattooed anywhere the client wants to have it tattooed.

  • Scalable
